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  • Are there dental treatments for Sleep Apnea?

    Yes, dental treatments for Sleep Apnea include custom-fitted oral appliances that adjust the lower jaw and tongue position to keep the airway open. These are alternatives to CPAP machines for…

    January 1, 2024

  • How is Sleep Apnea diagnosed?

    Sleep Apnea is usually diagnosed through a sleep study, known as polysomnography, which can be conducted in a sleep center or at home. This study records various body functions during…

    January 1, 2024

  • Is Sleep Apnea only a problem for adults?

    While Sleep Apnea is more common in adults, children can also suffer from it. In children, it's often linked to enlarged tonsils and adenoids. If you notice symptoms like loud…

    January 1, 2024

  • Can Sleep Apnea affect my oral health?

    Yes, Sleep Apnea can have a significant impact on oral health. Signs and symptoms include dry mouth and chewing of the teeth (bruxism) are common in individuals with Sleep Apnea,…

    January 1, 2024

  • Is it necessary to treat misshapen teeth?

    While treatment is not always medically necessary, it can significantly improve oral health, functionality, and confidence. It's always best to consult a dental professional to understand your unique needs.

    January 1, 2024

  • How do I know which treatment option is best for

    The best treatment for misshapen teeth varies depending on the individual case. Paradise Dental Studio experts can evaluate your situation and recommend the most suitable treatment options.

    January 1, 2024